What languages are your physicians fluent in?
Dr. Mikacich and Dr. Rooney speak Spanish.
When should I make my first appointment?
Gynecologic care can begin whenever there is a need. Routine gynecologic care usually begins in the mid-late teens, or with onset of sexual activity. Papanicolau test (Pap), which screen for cervical cancer, typically begin at 21 years of age.
If you are pregnant and want to begin prenatal care, please call to set up the first visit. If you are newly pregnant, it will be scheduled for 8-10 weeks gestation (which is typically 8-10 weeks since the first day of the last menstrual period). If you are later in you pregnancy you will be scheduled sooner.
Will I always see the same doctor?
Most patients will see their doctor for most visits. However, our doctors have a rotating call schedule, such that each day there is a designated provider to take care of immediate concerns. During pregnancy, patients see their primary obstetrician for most of their visits. We do suggest that each patient see each doctor one time, so that all are familiar with one another by the time of delivery.
Which physician will be in the delivery room when I’m having my baby?
In most cases, if labor is spontaneous, the doctor on call for that day will deliver your baby. If the delivery is scheduled, such as in the case of induction of labor or cesarean delivery, the patient’s primary obstetrician will typically deliver your baby.
Can I reach my physician at any time of the day?
The office is open from 9-5 Monday through Friday. If you call during those hours while the doctors are seeing patients, you can speak with or leave a message with your doctor’s medical assistant, so that your concern can be addressed as soon as possible. If your doctor is not in the office and the call is urgent, your message will be handled by the doctor on call. If you call after business hours, on weekends or on holidays, you'll have an option to be connected to the answering service.